Month: August 2022



Hi all,

The world is changing seasons. Whether you are like me and transitioning into winter or you are in the northern hemisphere transitioning into summer, we are all making a ‘change’.

These changes, even though they happen year in and out, still take a toll on our physical and mental health. I know for sure that heading into winter, right now I feel more tired, sluggish and less like the energetic me!

So how can we help ourselves transition smoothly? What can we do to give our mind and body what it needs to start the new season with a bang? Check out my 5 top tips below for when the seasons change.

Find a routine

Especially during the start of the transition, keeping a routine will be key to maintaining all the good habits you had from the season previous. Now when I get up it’s pitch black outside – but I still stick to my same wake up time and this makes it easy for my body to work out when I have had enough sleep and it’s time to rise. Same goes for the summer folks – it may be easier to stay up later because it’s lighter outside but stick to your bedtime and it will know when you need to sleep.

Keep moving

Who wants to go outside and move when it’s wet and cold outside? Who wants to move when you break into a sweat as soon as you step outdoors? Whether it be hot or cold for you right now it is going to be a struggle. But we all know that keeping our bodies moving and grooving is going to keep that blood flow pumping and help us stay energised. Too cold? You will warm up soon enough. Too hot? Maybe you take your workout indoors at this time of year. Figure out what you need to do to keep your body moving.

Choose foods in season

Seasonal foods are the healthiest foods for a reason. They are at their prime, aka full of their biggest nutrient bang, and are full of the energy you need right now. Unsure what is in season? Usually it’s the produce that is on offer/special at the supermarket. In season = in abundance. A win for your body and a win for your pocket!

What are you missing?

This is a great opportunity to assess your body to see if it is lacking anywhere. If it is winter, maybe you need to check in with yourself to see if you are getting enough vitamin D. I also like to have on hand access to blankets …